
Wescorp Agarwood (WA)

WA has the sub license from CA Ltd for the inducement and marketing of cultivated Agarwood products for Australia, Tonga, Fiji and Vanuatu. Please visit

As far as we understand the first Aquilaria seeds were brought into Australia by Freelance Forestry Services in 2006. 

WA imported its first 7 kg of Aquilaria seed into Australia in 2007 with the assistance of Mr Tom Cullity. In corporation with growers in Far North Queensland (FNQ) and the Pacific, WA plans to have Aquilaria plantations established throughout its licensed zones. When in full production WA aims at an average annual planting of 200,000 seedlings in the regions.

Since 2007 WA has been working closely with Dr Tony Page from the James Cook University in Cairns. A series of continuing trials have focused primarily upon improving the growth capacity of Aquilaria species in FNQ from germination to harvest, excellent results have been achieved to date.

During 2009 approximately 48,000 Aquilaria trees were established in FNQ by WA and private growers under agreement with WA; it is expected that these trees will be harvesting in 7 to 8 years from planting. Plantation establishment has continued through 2010 with further considerable plantings being programmed over coming years.

Agarwood Sales

Wescorp have products available for purchase from 2017. These include oil, chip, powder, hydrosol and spent waste. All products are CITES approved. Please contact Fleur Coakley for sales at